L a n t h i e d i

L a n t h i e d i

Vina Lanthieri imajo korenine v plemeniti rodbini, ki je nekdaj živela v Vipavski dolini. Ročno obrano grozdje, dozorelo na najboljših legah v Vipavski dolini, in posebna tehnologija zagotavljata vrhunski svež in plemenit okus. Vina Lanthieri so namenjena gurmanom, ki imajo radi bolj sveža bela in rdeča vina, z značilno sortno aromo, elegantnim in uglajenim telesom ter plemenitim značajem. Avtohtonima Zelenu in Pineli, ki sta zaščitna znaka linije Lanthieri, se pridružuje široka paleta domačih in mednarodnih vrhunskih vinskih sort. 

L a n t h i e d i Z e l e n

Zelen is an indigenous Vipava variety, which grows mainly on the slopes of the upper Vipava Valley.

Smell: It is medium-intense, with citrus in the foreground. It continues into perceptions of dried fruits and herbs. The scent of flowering chamomile, sage can be recalled.

Taste: Zelen is weaker in body, the acids are more subdued. The flavour lasts a long time and is very present. The minerality is present throughout.

Combination with food: Zelen is a good companion for cold starters, vegetable pasta and risottos. It goes well with fattier dry meats (lardo, pancetta).

Sort: 100 % Zelen

Temperatura: 8-10 °C


L a n t h i e d i P i n e l a

Pinela je avtohtona vipavska sorta, ki raste predvsem na pobočjih zgornjega dela Vipavske doline

V vonju prepoznamo marelico, belo breskev, ne manjka niti tropskih vonjav, kjer je vonj manga najbolj izrazit.

Taste: Slightly lighter, pleasantly fresh, mineral. It is expressive and lasts for a long time. Plenty of white fruit is highlighted in the aftertaste.

Combination with food: Pineapple can be offered with all kinds of lighter dishes, with more delicate flavours. It goes well with fresh or roasted vegetables, fish or seafood. Good with vegetable starters.

Sort: 100 % Pinela

Temperatura: 8-10 °C


L a n t h i e d i M a l v a z i j a


Smell: Composed, it works sweetly. It is reminiscent of citrus rind, acacia blossom, tropical fruit, green almond and honey.

Taste: Malvasia is medium-bodied, mineral and soft. It leaves a tropical fruit and herbal aroma on the palate. The aftertaste is long.

Combination with food: It goes well with fish, seafood risottos, strong cream soups and grilled white meats, as well as light dishes with a Mediterranean twist.


Sort: 100 % Malvazija

Temperatura: 8-10 °C

L a n t h i e d i P i n o t Mr d i with

Smell: Rich, complex. Reminiscent of citrus and ripe white fruit, red orange, ripe nectarine and almond blossom are recognised.

Medium build, full and well-groomed. The wine gives a rich sensation and a long-lasting aroma reminiscent of citrus.

Combination with food: Fish and seafood is a classic combination with pinot-grey. It goes well with creamy cheeses, roast poultry and light pasta.

Sort: 100 % Sivi pinot

Temperatura: 8-10 °C


L a n t h i e d i S a u v i g n o n B l a n c

Smell: Lime and passion fruit. Fresh hay and grass clippings, too.

Taste: Aromatic, fresher, medium-bodied. The flavour is long, pronounced and develops a characteristic varietal aroma - elderflower, passion fruit, citrus.

Combination with food: It is traditionally combined with soft or goat cheeses. It also goes well with poultry, red fish and crayfish. It can be combined with dishes seasoned with parsley, basil, mint, thyme, white pepper.

Sort: 100 % Sauvignon Blanc

Temperatura: 8-10 °C

L a n t h i e d i C h a d d o n n a y

Sušeni citrusi, banana in ananas, zaznavni so tudi odtenki karamele in praženih lešnikov.

Taste: Poln in bogat, kremaste teksture. V mehkem pookusu, ki traja dalj časa, se izpostavi aroma sušenih citrusov.

Combination with food: Poda se k nevtralnim jedem delikatnega okusa, mesnatim ribam, školjkam, tudi perutnini ali zelenjavi z žara. Dobro se kombinira k delikatnim rižotam in testeninam. 

Sort: 100 % Chardonnay

Temperatura: 8-10 °C


L a n t h i e d i S t o d i a

Cuvee Storia je zgodba dveh vinogradov Cabernet Sauvignona in vinograda Merlota, ki se dopolnjujejo v edinstvenem sadnem vonju in strukturnem, vselej elegantnem vinu

Smell: A basket of ripe black fruit. Black cherry, plum, blackcurrant, also with a hint of cocoa.

Taste: Intense and full. Medium-bodied, long, persistent, with black fruit aromas.

Combination with food: Recommended with roast lamb or beef, steak and even burgers. It can also be served with cheeses such as gauda or cheddar.

Sort: 65 % Cabernet Sauvignon

35 % Merlot

Temperatura: 16-18 °C

L a n t h i e d i B a d b e d a


Smell: Cherry, blackberry. There are also ripening notes reminiscent of cinnamon, anise, caramel and plum jam.

Taste: It gives us an elegant and velvety mouthfeel, with a long aromatic impression. It has a livelier character and soft tannins. The finish is medium-long with aromas of overripe fruit and sweet spices.

Combination with food: It can be combined with grilled food or with pasta, where the base is tomato sauce, garlic, olives. Pairs with roast pork or wild boar, lamb, polpette, grilled sausages or rabbit.

Sort: 100 % Barbera

Temperatura: 16-18 °C


L a n t h i e d i C a b e d n e t S a u v i g n o n

Smell: Cherry, cranberry, blackcurrant. There are also ripening notes reminiscent of dark chocolate, cinnamon.

Taste: Elegant, juicy, medium-bodied. Silky tannins accentuate the structure of the wine. Aromas of currants and spices linger in the aftertaste.

Combination with food: Cabernet Sauvignon can be offered with a wide range of meat dishes. It goes well with grilled meats, beef chops, veal. It can also be combined with game.

Sort: 100 % Cabernet Sauvignon

Temperatura: 16-18 °C

L a n t h i e d i P i n o t N o i d

Smell: Intense aromas of blackcurrant, black cherry, ripe plum, hibiscus and violet. There is also forest undergrowth, leather, nutmeg, cloves, black pepper. With a pleasant finish reminiscent of dry sage.

Taste: Elegant, soft, intense and persistent, with pleasant velvety tannins and freshness.

Kombinacija s hrano: Dobra kombinacija s filejem lososa z mediteranskimi zelišči in zelenjavo. Poda se tudi k pečenemu piščancu in pohanemu mesu, pa tudi k rižotam z gobami.

100 % Pinot Noir

Temperatura: 13-16 °C